Product informationDetailsE-paperDownloadseUP is a product by Nowy Styl Our bodies have not been designed to sit all day, this is why it is very important that we change our position while at work. ...
Product informationDetailsE-paperDownloadsMeeThink is a product by Nowy Styl Why do people meet? To think, work, talk, relax? Tell us about your expectations so we can give you a table that is a perfect m ...
ConfiguratorProduct informationDetailsDownloadsE-Paper Play&Work is a product by Nowy Styl By picking modules in intense, vivid colours and juxtaposing them with free-standing tables, you can create ...
KonfiguratorProduktinformationenDetailsDownloadsE-Paper Tri.ply a product of Nowy Styl Tri.ply modular pouffe system has been created based on elementary shapes. This innovative product offers ...
ConfiguratorProduct informationDetailsDownloads LinkUP is a product by Nowy Styl The LinkUP line consists of armchairs and chaise longues with a detachable cushion. The elements are characterised by a li ...
ProduktinformationenDetailsE-paperDownloadseComo a product of Nowy Styl Among the eComo models, one clearly stands out. The 135x65 cm desk is produced with almost no material waste so its price is the same ...
ConfiguratorProduct informationDetailsMaterialsE-paperDownloadsThe Space-Saving Program In a working world with increasingly stringent requirements for space and cost efficiency as well as customization, th ...
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